Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy (YT) is a holistic system of assessment and therapeutic practices for transformation, finding Peace, and supporting healing. YT utilizes wisdom from both Yoga & Āyurveda. Using this holistic system we address the body, mind, and spirit of the individual.
Practices used, taught, and recommended include:
Meditation & Awareness training
Guided Meditation / imagery
Āsana - postures, movement
Prāṇāyāma & bandhas - breath work & locks
Mudrās - hand seals/gestures
Mantram / Affirmations / Prayer / Journaling
Dietary recommendations based on the sister-science Ayurveda
Dinacaryā - how we carry ourselves daily: sleep routine, cleanliness, consideration for what we feed the mind & senses, etc.
Learning Yoga Philosophy
Service / volunteer-work
Using Marma point therapy - secret energy points therapy
New clients should book an Initial Intake for Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda sessions. Otherwise a Holistic Guidance session should be used.