Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance (a/k/a Direction, Mentoring, Companioning) is intended to help the seeker (a/k/a mentee) follow their unique path to The Divine. It involves helping seekers follow their inner guidance system, and to move closer to their spiritual ideals. Ultimately the seeker must choose and walk their path.

My goal is to help you (the seeker) listen to & follow your inner guidance system. When appropriate, I point to obvious signposts and pitfalls along the way. My role involves deep & compassionate listening, reflection, open-ended inquiry, teaching (see below), recommending books, assigning homework, and assisting in the discernment process.

Inner listening and transformation require that one learns: about Love, meditation & prayer, interpretation of signs (dreams, intuition, synchronicities, etc.), journaling & creative expression, how to discover life’s mission, and developing Awareness. Expressions of Gratitude, Joy, Love, and Compassion, are strongly encouraged to be nurtured in both prayer and action. Sincerity is required by the seeker.

The work that excites me the most is that of helping you discover who you are, and to understand your experiences. My particular interests range across spiritual experiences from unity experiences, to out-of-body experiences, near-death-experiences (NDE), channeling, possession, spiritual emergence/emergency, precognition experiences (clairvoyance and other clairs), remote viewing, visions, dreams, and to signs & synchronicities in general.