Cameron Sanders 


I grew up on a farm in Iowa. At age 18, in 1982, when the farm belt was under economic duress, I moved to Iowa City where I found employment and started college. During school and after, my life revolved around chasing money as an entrepreneur and seeking thrills. Attracted to software, mathematics, and physics, I first worked on a medical product, and later transitioned into Finance.

As my material world was being decimated - during my spiritual awakening - I pivoted and began to study Reiki and mystical phenomena. Later after more shocking events occurred, my search for understanding led me to study Spiritual Guidance Mentorship at Atlantic University, founded by Edgar Cayce. Spirit then led me to study Ayurveda, Heart Centered Therapy, and Yoga Therapy. My work now is to bring these ancient technologies for Healing and Spiritual Growth to help people escape suffering.


The Divine graced me with many spiritually connected experiences starting in early childhood, and yet I still fell into the worldly trap of busyness and sensations. Then in my 40’s, after asking for, receiving, and ignoring, a call to be of service (Dec 2010), all aspects of my world crumbled apart: relationships, health, financial, and professional. Yet, as my life was crumbling I began having spiritually connected experiences again - more powerfully than ever. Yet I clung to fading material success. This was changed by Grace in the form of a flash flood, and two months later, pneumonia.

Having turned real world pain into great suffering, it was during pneumonia (Jan-Feb 2018) that I found full Surrender. At that time, the pain of regret around relationships was replaced with Love. These emotions combined with stillness invited Grace yet again and resulted in a profound turning point in life. Now I recognize that the perceived losses were the cutting of chains of bondage to a false identity, to a life that no longer suited me.

The work that excites me the most is that of helping you understand your experiences, and to navigate your own path of self-discovery and healing. To that purpose I offer support and guidance to those ready to embark on the journey within.


I enjoy frequent walks outdoors, including hiking mountains when possible. Other regular activities include weight lifting & yoga practice. While I seldom find a crag these days, rock climbing was a passion for many years and remains an occasional attraction. Music has been a long-running component in my life: occasionally I might be heard playing guitar at assisted living facilities. I also volunteer to teach yoga & meditation classes for free at the YMCA.

Certifications & Studies

  • Yoga - PranaYoga School (~700 hours completed)

  • Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) - Alaya Chikly

  • Ayurvedic Health Counselor - Ayurvedic Institute 2021

  • Spiritual Guidance Mentorship - Atlantic University (AU 2019) - Teacher of Finding Life’s Mission & Dream Interpretation

  • Ordained minister (ULC 2016)

  • Angelic Reiki I & II, Usui Lineage, Angelic Reiki Master Mary Raven Redfeather (2016)

  • BGS (U. of Iowa in 1987) /  Math, Physics, and EE