Holistic Healing
Healing Begins with Awareness
My approach to healing is holistic, turning awareness to the body, mind, and spirit. Dis-ease, pain, sorrow, suffering, whether physical or not, is a sign that changes are required. Just like warning lights on the dash of a car, we must heed the signs that guide us to corrective action, in order to find peace & happiness. In a state of peace, innate healing systems function more optimally. Therefore, seeking & maintaining some degree of Peace is a primary goal.
Using Awareness of the body, mind, and spirit, the client takes an active role in identifying the source(s) of dis-ease(s). Ultimately the client chooses their healing path, and it is up to the client to follow it. The healing/growth path often involves releasing old beliefs & behaviors, and putting to practice new beliefs & behaviors. Sometimes cleansing & purification practices are required. The path may be any mix of allopathic (Western) medicine & complementary practices that the client chooses.
Cameron’s Role
My role is to show up with an open heart, help you discover truths, and help you feel Hope & Peace so that your natural healing systems work more optimally. As Peace grows, so does the clarity of the inner-voice. Part of my role is to act as a guide to inner-listening, and as a guide to Complementary & Alternative Medical practices to help you.
I am committed to providing a safe & loving space for clients. I draw from a mix of tools within the scope of my training in Yoga, Āyurveda, Spiritual Guidance, Reiki, and Heart Centered Therapy.
Your Healing & Growth is a Personal Journey
Your healing (from disease) and growth is a personal journey. At each step, what you believe matters, even if it is not founded in facts from your experience or absolute truths. It is important that we remember (or learn) the fundamental truth: you are an eternal spirit/soul having a human experience. By learning this truth, your perspective will shift to a position of more clarity, away from the ego-center. Yes, it is a journey. Your goals and energy investment will rise to higher purposes. From this higher perspective, your personal truths will become more apparent.
At each step of the journey, you are the person with the power to decide your direction and next step. Your support team members (physicians, family, me, etc.) are merely here to help you.
Trauma Aware - Offering Loving Presence & Heart Centered Therapy (HCT)
In addressing trauma (no matter how major, or how deeply buried), we work directly with feelings, without the story. Holding heart-to-heart connection, and inviting Spirit to join us, we rise above the confines of the mind and your personal experiences. We can then see clearly how the feelings around our traumas & experiences, and the resulting behaviors, were developed to protect us (humans) and guide us in navigating the world as human (ego), at this time and place. We seek meaning when we are ready, and when we are strong enough to process the feelings & grow beyond the trauma(s). This is spiritual work, working with the symbolic messages presented. We must learn the lessons, and honor them. Understanding, self-compassion, forgiveness, and Love and key ingredients for all deep rooted healing.
“Remember you without all the pieces” - a dream message given to Cameron
All of the healing tools I work with can be used to complement your work with licensed professionals. E.g. breath-work is amazing for getting control of the heart and mind. As well, surprising to many, foods can add or subtract from your sense of groundedness.
Healing Maxim: We must learn the lessons, and honor them
If one fails to learn the lesson(s), the lesson(s) will be given again and again, until learned. I, Cameron, can - or at least try to - help you understand the lesson(s) of your experience(s) and create a more balanced life, whether your goal is spiritual growth, or healing. I specialize in transpersonal, exceptional experiences, and am comfortable using a spiritual language that suits you.