Awareness & Signs



Let’s begin with Signs. What is a sign? A Sign is something that conveys a message to us: it signals us to continue or change course. Signs can indicate that opportunities or dangers are present; they can provide direct answers to question(s), or alert us that we are asking the wrong questions.

Of course there are many types of signs available in the material world, or in the inner cave of the heart. One of the most powerful signs we are wired to receive continuously are Feelings. “Feelings are here to Guide us. “ - Carl Jung, in Man and His Symbols. Feelings regarding the mental domain or pertaining to the material body / world tell us much. Feelings are also a great place to begin to change the mental state and heal the body. If you feel stuck in feelings or emotions, you can be freed by a variety of practices that suit you.

It is imperative that you give attention to the signs, even actively asking and looking for them. You are even free to define the terms you will recognize. Note that vision or dream symbols are determined based on your beliefs and even methods of operation such as how you will come to understand a symbol. You are more powerful than you know, especially if you tune into the Lessons being offered. And to further the imperative point: the real problem is that if we do not learn the Lessons being offered, they will be given to us repeatedly, often with increasing intensity. Ultimately, the message begins with, “Wake Up! Pay Attention!”


Awareness is one of your superpowers. Most people fail to realize the true power in this. Awareness is an obvious ability that we take for granted, right? We assume, “if i can point my attention I am aware, if i can have a self-reflective thought at all, I am self-aware.” (“Self-aware” comes in degrees, and this term has specialized meaning in various spiritual contexts.) Everyone has Awareness, right? What’s so super about this? The problem is that few people use this ability to focus attention to its full potential, and therefore they grossly underestimate this power.

First of all, how amazing is it that you are in existence to think at all? And look at the power of this awareness. As you read this page, you are receiving sensory input, and your thoughts (and awareness) go both to receiving the sensory input and interpreting it. Your awareness may temporarily leap to some other topic and back. Then there is an awareness level that is witnessing this process: you are aware you are reading and interpreting this page - at least now you are. You are able to maintain an awareness to compare your thoughts to former thoughts (and models), possibly passing judgments about the content and/or deciding whether to continue reading. You are able to program yourself to maintain continuous awareness of certain things, such as sitting or standing upright. After some practice, this becomes an automatic process, even for seemingly more complex thoughts. Now we are talking about Mindfulness, with continuous awareness.

The fact is that your awareness spans beyond bodily sensory input, beyond your current thoughts, beyond your emotional state, and beyond your experience-memory of this life. At Unbounded Healing, we teach you how to turn your attention far beyond the body and its resources to discover your true essence and power.