Cameron Sanders
Overview of My Professional Life — ORIGINAL !!!
My life began on a farm, where I learned many practical skills. At age 18, in 1982, when the farm belt was under economic duress, I moved to Iowa City where I found employment and started college. During school and after, I spent my adulthood chasing money as an entrepreneur, first in software, and then later in Finance. When I wasn’t chasing money, I was seeking thrills, e.g. rock climbing. After my material world was decimated - during my spiritual awakening - I began studying Reiki and mystical phenomena to understand certain experiences. Moving too slowly through the darkest period, I was then Graced with a flash flood, which was followed two months later by pneumonia. These experiences forced my change: there was no returning to the old life. And there were more questions than answers. This compelled me to study Spiritual Guidance Mentorship at Atlantic University, founded by Edgar Cayce and his supporters. Inner guidance then led me to study Ayurveda, Heart Centered Therapy, and Yoga Therapy. Along the way I discovered the greatest treasure of all: the power of Love. My work now is to bring these ancient technologies for Healing and Spiritual Growth to help people rise from suffering.
Awakening to the Spiritual & Healing Paths
The Divine graced me with many spiritually connected experiences starting in early childhood. This made me philosophical at an early age. Even so, I fell into the trap of busyness and worldly sensations from my teen years until my late 40’s. After asking for, receiving, and ignoring, a calling to be of service in December 2010, all aspects of my world crumbled apart: relationships, health, financial, and professional. Yet, as my life was crumbling, I began to experience a profound spiritual awakening: spiritually connected experiences returned more powerfully than ever and my path began to turn to service. Now grateful as I recognize that the perceived losses were the cutting of chains of bondage to a false identity; to a life that no longer suited me.
Having turned real world pain into suffering, and having passed through a very dark tunnel, I found full Surrender in the depths of pneumonia: there was nothing left to defend. At that time, the pain of regret in relationships, founded in natural compassion, was displaced with the root emotion, Love. From this state (in January & February 2018) I had profound experiences, defining a key turning point of my life and understanding of reality. While I hope & pray others may be awakened, my heart yearns to help others both avoid, and move beyond, suffering. The seeds given in my childhood (from my upbringing and spiritual experiences), of the Christ-ideal, were planted in 2010, and given water in 2018 from two rivers of tears. Now they are finally getting sunshine and taking root.
Guidance is Always Present
Spirit has guided me towards the higher good at each stage. Now I see that even when life felt like punishment, Spirit was helping me release attachments. Spirit ultimately freed me of those things I never would have had the courage to release from my ego “i”-dentity. This can be found in statements like, “I am …”, “I own/have …”, “… is what defines me!”, or “I won’t be defeated!” Detachment has been a centerpiece of my efforts since 2019, and I have learned many wonderful lessons the hard way.
My studies span the globe. Be warned tho, I am not a very good student. Hence, learning the hard way was probably the only way for me. I hope to help others avoid self-inflicted, unnecessary suffering. From my experiences I can say: if your world is full of stress & anxiety, and every step feels like a battle - most of which you seem to lose - stop and look around, and make certain you are trying to move in the right direction. Sometimes the right action is doing nothing except stopping, listening, and processing.
The work that excites me the most is that of helping you discover who you are, and to understand your experiences. My particular interests range across spiritual experiences from unity experiences, to out-of-body experiences, near-death-experiences (NDE), channeling, possession, spiritual emergence/emergency, precognition experiences (clairvoyance and other clairs), remote viewing, visions, dreams, and to signs & synchronicities in general.
Profound healing can come from subtle shifts in consciousness. And that can happen by engaging in one of the hardest activities: being still. Be still and learn to control your Awareness. Between that, and learning and practicing Detachment & Surrender, a great freedom can be realized. You are more powerful than you know - and this is the journey.
For Fun
I enjoy frequent walks outdoors, including hiking mountains when possible. I regularly engage in weight lifting & yoga practice. While I seldom find a crag these days, rock climbing was a passion for many years and remains an occasional attraction. Music has been a long-running component in my life: as a hack, I still occasionally play music at assisted living facilities. I also volunteer to teach yoga & meditation classes for free at the YMCA. Daily are my spiritual studies, including Sanskrit - the ancient language of India.
Certifications & Studies
Yoga - PranaYoga School (~700 hours completed)
Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) - Alaya Chikly
Ayurvedic Health Counselor - Ayurvedic Institute 2021
Spiritual Guidance Mentorship - Atlantic University (AU 2019) - Teacher of Finding Life’s Mission & Dream Interpretation
Ordained minister (ULC 2016)
Angelic Reiki I & II, Usui Lineage, Angelic Reiki Master Mary Raven Redfeather (2016)
BGS (U. of Iowa in 1987) / Math, Physics, and EE